Privacy Policy

For the purposes of compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament, of April 27 (GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights of December 5 (LOPDGDD ), the following information is established: Responsible for Treatment Company name: JG CONDUCIMOS EL AGUA SL NIF/CIF: B23568280 Address: Madrid (Spain) Email:


This is the information provided to us by interested parties through any of the different forms that are made available to them on the website, in order to manage the sending of the information they request from us, and may be prepared, if necessary, a commercial profile, based on the information provided. No automated decisions will be made based on said profile. The personal data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained, and its deletion is not requested by the interested party.


The consent of the interested party is requested for the processing of their data and the prospective offer of products and services.


Personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except where applicable, other group companies for internal administrative purposes.


Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Interested parties in certain circumstances may also limit or oppose the processing of their data, as well as request their portability. You will also have the right to withdraw your consent and file a complaint with the Control Authority. To exercise your rights, you must contact the Controller at the address listed in the first box, accompanied by a copy of the identity document of the interested party.

1. Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

JG CONDUCIMOS EL AGUA SL NIF/CIF: B23568280. Address: Madrid (Spain) and email is RESPONSIBLE for the processing of the USER's personal data and informs you that these data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, of April 27 (GDPR), and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5 (LOPDGDD).

2. For what purpose is the data processed and what is the basis that legitimizes the processing?

The information provided to us by interested parties is processed in order to manage the sending of the information they request, and a commercial profile may be prepared, if necessary, based on the information provided. Process orders, requests, respond to queries or any type of request made by the USER through any of the contact forms made available on the CONTROLLER's website.

3. How long is the data kept?

The personal data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained, and its deletion is not requested by the interested party. When it is no longer necessary, they will be deleted with appropriate security measures.

4. What rights exist and how to exercise them?

Interested parties have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. Interested parties may also, in certain circumstances, object to the processing of their data. You will also have the right to withdraw the consent given and complain to the Control Authority.

To exercise your rights you must contact the Controller at the email: sending us a copy of the interested party's identity document.

Current data protection regulations protect you with a series of rights in relation to the use we give to your data. Each and every one of your rights are individual and non-transferable, that is, they can only be exercised by the owner of the data, after verification of their identity.

Below we indicate what rights you have:

  • Request ACCESS to your personal data.
  • Request RECTIFICATION of your data.
  • Request the DELETION or elimination of your data (right to be "forgotten").
  • LIMIT or OPPOSE the use we give to your data.
  • Right to PORTABILITY of your data in cases of telecommunications or internet services.
  • Right to WITHDRAW your consent at any time.
  • * You will have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency through

To exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation or opposition, portability and withdrawal of your consent, you must contact the Controller at the following email:

5. Who do we provide your personal data to?

Personal data will not be transferred to third parties, except where applicable, other group companies for internal administrative purposes or unless legally required.

6. Are automated decisions made?

No automated decisions will be made based on the commercial profile.

7. Are international data transfers carried out?

We do not carry out international transfers of your data

8. For what reason can we process your personal data?

The consent of the interested party is requested for the processing of their data and the prospective offer of products and services. The personal data obtained through the forms on the website will be processed solely based on the consent granted by the interested party, through acceptance of the box provided for this purpose. This consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Legitimate interest of the person responsible. The statistical information obtained from the website will be processed based on the legitimate interest of the person responsible. This information does not allow the user to be identified.

Legal warning

All texts, photographs, logos, coupons, products, services and images displayed, as well as, where applicable, voice messages, are collected by JG CONDUCIMOS EL AGUA under its sole and exclusive responsibility, who is also responsible for their veracity. of the information contained on the website.

In accordance with the provisions of national and community legislation regarding consumer protection, the possibility of resorting to an online dispute resolution and complaint mechanism is offered, in accordance with article 14 of EU Regulation 524/2013. The Commission provides this platform which is available at the following link:

To manage the cookies and similar technologies used (tracking pixels, web beacons, etc.) and related consents, we use the "Real Cookie Banner" consent tool. Details on how Real Cookie Banner works can be found at

The legal bases for the processing of personal data in this context are art. 6 (1) lit. c GDPR and Art. 6 (1) lit. fGDPR. Our legitimate interest is the management of cookies and similar technologies used and related consents.

The provision of personal data is neither contractually obligatory nor necessary for the conclusion of a contract. You are not required to provide personal data. If you do not provide them, we will not be able to manage your consent.